ATV Quad Power Racing
Fire up your PlayStation for a four-wheel frenzy with ATV QUAD RACING. ATV stands for All-Terrain Vehicle, and this game has a wide variety of both terrain and vehicles. You can slip through the snow, slide through the sand, and muck through the mud against computer-controlled riders like Sam Stone, Mitzi Chen, and Heather Gold, or you can challenge a friend and see if he has what it takes to motor to the finish. Choose one of three racers and head out to 12 tracks, racing against the clock or trying to beat the competition. Improve your skills and you’ll unlock better, faster ATVs. If you get really good, you can graduate from amateur to pro and unlock harder tracks. So strap on your racing gear and get ready for ATV QUAD RACING!
* Features: 18 different ATVs
* 12 tracks with various environments and terrain
* 4 playing modes
* 2 player simultaneous gameplay
ATV Quad Power Racing
The main thing this game has going for it is speed--pure speed. And that's really the most important thing a racing game can have. Unlike so many racing games that throw a hundred options at players and then offer lame, slow-motion action, ATV more or less says hurry up.
The fact that the vehicles of choice are ATVs is almost unimportant, except that, like a cat, they can catch huge air and always seem to land on all fours. And though these machines go fast, there's really little reason to slow down. In fact, players won't even have to brake on the first three tracks, as power leans and a slight easing of the accelerator can satisfy most turning demands.
Of course, all this speed does have its costs, especially as far as graphics go. It's not that the tracks are ugly by any means; they hold together with little polygon breakage. It's just that they're entirely generic. You've got your desert track, your snow track, your forest track, and subtle variations of the aforementioned three. Also, there's very little a player can do besides race--in other words, no tricks. Obviously, this can get pretty boring after a while, but for those who just want to race, ATV makes a decent showing. --Robb Guido
1.) Really fast action
2.) Surface-specific ATVs for sand, snow, and dirt
3.) Above-average music fits the game's action
1.) Monotonous graphics
2.) No tricks
ATV Quad Power Racing
L1/R1 = Hard lean left/right
L2 = Rear view
R2 = Change camera angle
D Pad = (any) Highlight options
Start Button = Pause
X Button = Select options, accelerate
Triangle Button = Cancel selection and return to menu, shift gear up
Square Button = Brake
O Button = Shift gear down
ATV Quad Power Racing
Programmers Cheats:
Extra Points:
Press X + Triangle + Square in Snow Mode
New Life:
Press X + L1 + R2 in Sand Mode
Power Up:
Press L1 + L2 in Mud Mode
Level Jump:
Press X + R2 + Square while accelerating
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