PRESS CLT+F And Type The Game Name
PKG PS3 POUR CFW 3.55/3.41
3D Dot Game Heroes (BLES00875) Installable Package with Decrypted EBOOT
Apache Air Assault (BLES00937)
3.41: http://www.fileserve.com/file/7JJ5QVG
3.55: http://www.fileserve.com/file/Vc2tgux
1) Install PKG file.
2) Copy the USRDIR FOLDER to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00937/USRDIR
Leave my EBOOT.BIN there.
Note: Above PKGs install the signed boot into the BLES00937 dir. Copy the rest of the game files into that dir then run it. Either from a JB console or OFW 3.41 / 3.55 as it signed you dont need to jailbreak to run it.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood BLES00909
http://www.multiupload.com/NKKEV54S9M (3.41)
Working online just make sure you delete the trophy folder
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
http://www.mediafire.com/?2jfq95yq7ynally (BLUS30465) 3.55
http://www.mediafire.com/?k1jbnc4as0ndzfl (BLES01030) 3.55
Battlefield Bad Company 2 EUR (BLES00773)
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger (BLES00820)
Put USRDIR into /dev_hdd0/BLAZBLCT/
Borderlands BLUS30386
BURNOUT Paradise (BLUS30061)
http://www.multiupload.com/VGU6GBVKR6 3.41
http://www.multiupload.com/D367OCS8W9 3.55
Install data to dev_hdd0/BURNGAME/USRDIR
Call of Duty: Black Ops (BLUS30591)
Call Of Duty : Black Ops (BLES01031) EU
Copy the files to dev_hdd0/game/BLES01031/USRDIR
http://hotfile.com/dl/95843289/d5dbdac/ ... U.rar.html
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (BLES01047) signed & packed EBOOT (33.5MB)
http://hotfile.com/dl/95627044/0dcd929/ ... 5.pkg.html
1) Install PKG file.
2) Transfer contents of USRDIR folder, EXCEPT EBOOT.BIN, to /devhdd0/game/BLES01047/USRDIR/
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs Euro
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3IASLMKQ 3.55
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KLLPOJL5 3.41
Dead Rising 2 BLES00948
1)Delete Dead Rising 2 from game data utility and xmb if it's there
2)install pkg then copy all files from the archive into dev_hdd0/game/BLES00001 (you can overwrite the eboot because its the same one in the archve)
3).copy your data folder into dev_hdd0/game/BLES00001/USRDIR
Demons Souls (BLES00932)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CB2G877O 3.41 & 3.55
Instructions in ZIP
http://www.multiupload.com/VV5HH39JI8 3.55
Transfer /USRDIR/ (minus the eboot) into dev_hhd0/DMS_GAME/
Devil May Cry 4 BLUS30092
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UUO8ZT6P (3.55)
Dragon ball Raging blast 2 USA
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY BLES00163
Eternal Sonata (BLUS30161) signed & packed EBOOT
1) Install PKG file.
2) In your backup find ‘archives’ folder and rename it to ‘ar’.
3) Transfer ‘ar’ folder with all contents (10GB) to /devhdd0/game/BLUS30161/USRDIR/
Fallout New Vegas BLES00901
Family Game Night 3
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PEMPEDQM (Working 3.41)
1) Install PKG file.
2) Transfer contents of USRDIR folder, EXCEPT EBOOT.BIN, to /devhdd0/game/BLUS30578/USRDIR/
Enchanted Arms BLES00049
God of War 3
http://hotfile.com/dl/95838377/70e5c36/ ... N.rar.html
Guitar Hero 5 BLUS30292
Heavenly Sword BCUS98132
http://www.multiupload.com/K915VX7K1U (3.55 and 3.41)
Heavy Rain: EUR
Transfer your USRDIR to /dev_hdd0/game/BCES00802 after running the package. Make sure to NOT UPDATE when you launch the game as this will undo the patch.
Initial D JAP
http://Initial D JAP
KillZone 2 (BCES00081)
3.41: http://www.fileserve.com/file/bu6v442
3.55: http://www.fileserve.com/file/2QwpdBb
1) Install PKG file.
2) Copy the USRDIR FOLDER to /dev_hdd0/game/BCES00081/USRDIR
Kung Fu Panda
Madden 11 US Version (BLUS-30546)
copy data except EBOOT.BIN to /dev_hdd0/MA11GAME
Mini Ninjas BLUS30248
Modern Warfare 2 BLES00683
Modnation racers EU BCES00701
http://rapidshare.com/files/442263833/m ... S00701.zip
Modnation Racers BCUS98167
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 PAL
Naughty Bear Europe
NBA Jam (BLUS30969)
NFS Hot Pursuit (BLES00949)
http://hotfile.com/dl/95837361/648b3c4/ ... _.rar.html
http://www.multiupload.com/5GM1OKUU0H 3.41:
http://www.speedyshare.com/files/261876 ... RSTEAL.pkg 3.55
Running the XMB menu, 341 in the works after installing
Check Game game folder and move folder ps3_game BLES00949 files in the folder. Then install the pkg file.
1)Install the PKG v.1.0 then 1.01 over it
2)Copy USRDIR folder WITHOUT eboot.bin over to your ps3 into BLES00949 folder.
Need for Speed SHIFT v1.03 (BLUS30391)
http://www.multiupload.com/4E7ADXIQY6 CFW 3.55
Just install the package and move your backup USRDIR content to /dev_hdd0/NFSSHIFT/USRDIR
copy data to NHLGAME0
NieR Replicant (BLJM60223) signed & packed EBOOT (25.1MB)
1) Install PKG file.
2) Transfer ‘MEDIA’ folder with all contents to /devhdd0/game/BLJM60223/USRDIR/
Naruto ninja Storm 2 (BLES00952)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9ILPY2YA CFW 3.55
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (BLES01021)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q3VJHSPP CFW 3.55
Resonance of Fate (BLUS30484)
http://www.multiupload.com/E746NBREU8 3.41JB and 355
Install Package, Transfer /USRDIR/ (minus the eboot) into dev_hhd0/game/FATE30484/
SEGA MEGA DRIVE Ultimate Collection
http://www.fileserve.com/file/2U3ehqt 3.41
http://www.fileserve.com/file/h6A8fbj 3.55
http://rapidshare.com/files/442263748/S ... S00475.rar
1) Install PKG file.
2) Transfer contents of USRDIR folder, EXCEPT EBOOT.BIN, to /devhdd0/game/{gameID}/USRDIR/
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing PAL, BLES00750
Copy the USRDIR to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00750 after installing, and don't install the update when it asks.
Splatterhouse (BLUS30335)
1. Install pkg
2. Copy "data" folder into USRDIR
3. Run from XMB
Split second BLUS30300
Sports Champions
http://www.adrive.com/public/5750fd8836 ... 151bf.html (3.41)
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International - EUR (MTRC00001)
Soul Calibur IV
http://rapidshare.com/files/442263669/S ... bur_IV.rar
Directory to put the game data is /dev_hdd0/SOULCLB4/USDIR
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2
Tales of Graces f (BLJS10093) signed & packed EBOOT (19MB)
1) Install PKG file.
2) Transfer contents of USRDIR folder (except EBOOT.BIN) to /dev_hdd0/game/BLJS10093/USRDIR/
Tales of Vesperia (BLJS10053)
Transfer contents of USRDIR folder (except EBOOT.BIN) to /dev_hdd0/game/NPWR00642/USRDIR/
Tomb Raider Underworld BLUS30224
http://www.multiupload.com/9GX4I612J7 (3.41)
Two Worlds 2 BLES00845
Toy Story 3 Euro
http://www.multiupload.com/5QGYMEMWWE 3.55
Trinity Universe (BLES00971)
Copy USRDIR to hdd0/0TRINITY/
Uncharted2 (BCUS98123)
Transfer "build" and "data" folders to /devhdd0/game/BCUS98123/USRDIR/
Valkyrie Chronicles BLUS 30196
http://www.multiupload.com/Z6D09I2IOH 3.55
1) Install pkg
2)create the folder dev_hdd0/VALKYRIA/USRDIR
3)copy original USRDIR folder contents to hdd0/VALKYRIA/USRDIR except the eboot
Winter 2011 BLES01061
http://www.multiupload.com/P0B7NZZRUF 3.41 / 3.55
First of all thanks to PSX Scene download the files, here fails to list the eboot bin modified for each game so far:
The only thing you have to do is this:
1) Install the PKG file.
2) Transfer the contents of the folder USRDIR (except EBOOT.BIN) a / devhdd0/game/BLESXXX/USRDIR /
3) Run from xmb like a psn game
note: you must delete the game to spend eboot.bin
Green Color: Works 100%
Yellow: Not tested
Red: It does not work
Well let's get started
-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (BLES01047) signed & packed EBOOT (33.5MB): EUR
SEGA MEGA DRIVE-Ultimate Collection: EUR \ USA
FW 3.41 PKG: http://www.fileserve.com/file/2U3ehqt
PKG FW 3.55: http://www.fileserve.com/file/h6A8fbj
Apache Air Assault BLES00937-EUR
3.41: http://www.fileserve.com/file/7JJ5QVG
3.55: http://www.fileserve.com/file/Vc2tgux
-God of War 3: EUR
-Eternal Sonata (BLUS30161) signed & packed EBOOT: USA
-NieR Replicant:
-NFS Hot Pursuit (BLES00949): EUR
FW 3.41: http://www.multiupload.com/5GM1OKUU0H
FW 3.55: http://www.multiupload.com/EXBUYGKTAT (error when installing)
"Heavy Rain: EUR
Transfer your USRDIR to / dev_hdd0/game/BCES00802 after running the package.
Make sure to NOT UPDATE When you launch the game as this will undo the patch.
Cod Black-Ops BLES01031 PKG: EUR
Patch Fix 3.55
Uninstall updates Ops black.
FTP to place these files in the folder it is in. Black PS3_GAME operations
Restart the system.
Use Black-OPS:
-Pes 2011: EUR by sonny
-Dead Rising 2 - BLES00948: EUR V2
Blur (BLES00759) 3.41 and 3.55 included:
New Vegas-Fallout Firm. 3.55 EUR
"Guitar Hero 5 (BLUS30292): EUR
Game Night 3-Familiy USA
3.41JB: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PEMPEDQM
3.55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3018J0E2
"Assassins Creed: Brotherhood EUR
3.55: http://www.multiupload.com/RUZF2RY804
3.41: http://www.multiupload.com/NKKEV54S9M
USRDIR copy without EBOOT.BIN to dev_hdd0/game/BLES00909
-Call of duty modern warfare 2: EUR
including 3.41 and 3.55 pkgs
- Naruto Ninja Storm 2 (BLES00952): EUR
3.55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9ILPY2YA
Put on your Backup USRDIR NNS2 have to lower it BLES00952 ID ... Well USRDIR install it on "dev_hdd0/game/BLES01047 /"
But obviously to put the dimensions of your Backup folder USRDIR naruto after Allan installed PKG.
Thanks to Sonny for their contributions
3.41: http://www.multiupload.com/6OLTJ525L8
"NBA Jam (BLUS30969): USA
-The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY (BLES00163): EUR
-Madden 11 U.S. Version (BLUS-30546) 3.55: USA
-Rock Band 3 (BLUS30463): USA
-Trinity Universe [BLES00971]: EUR
3.41: http://www.multiupload.com/JJP3RYH0SI
3.55: http://www.multiupload.com/F7UNCNFWK2
-Motorstorm: EUR
-Venetica (BLES00776): EUR
including 3.41 and 3.55
-Killzone 2 (BCES00081): EUR (works online)
3.55: http: / / www.megaupload.com/?d=V26ZPMWL
3.41: http://www.fileserve.com/file/bu6v442
Sport-Winter 2011 - BLES01061: EUR
3.41 and 3.55 including
2-bad company BLES00773: EUR by Ruiz970
3.55 http://www.multiupload.com/I3A0RD6KVF
-The Sims 3 (BLES01016): EUR
-Fifa 2011 BLES01059: EUR
"Naughty Bear (BLES00945): EUR
3.55: http://www.multiupload.com/XA08NOMCXR
"The Sly Collection (BCUS98246)
3.55: http: / / www.multiupload.com/AUNVK9VKB8
"Uncharted 2 (BCUS98123): USA
-Dj hero 2 (bles00896): EUR
3.41: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XO0MRHDR
3.55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T7DVXEHI
3.55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MU94U9UE
-Start of BCUS98220 Party USA by xploz1on
3.55: http://www.mediafire.com/?mce3j85e1dvbev3
Medal Of Honor-US BLUS30436 FW 3.55 by xploz1on
-SEGA Super All Stars Racing : ?? by Acevader0
3.41: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MC9RDYQK
3.55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CPQZREHV
-Tomb Raider Underworld Euro Version (BLES00409)
3.55: http://uploaded.to/file/bjylzh
--Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom PAL BLES00919 by DjXYA
- Gran turimsmo 5 (BCES00569) EUR by Sonny
presenta errores si alguien confirma?
v1 hdd0\game\BCES00569\USRDIR\ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VN870I60
v2 hdd0\GT5GGAME\USRDIR\http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KAY2ZGBZ
3.41 y 3.55 incluidos
para Posibles soluciones de pantalla negra
Little Big Planet GOTY BCES00611: EUR By manuelin
3.41: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XLISDSP6
3.55: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MNY9ECO1
- Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 BLES00978 EUR (instrucion especial)
- vanquish (BLES00927) EUR
Devil May Cry 4 BLUS30092 USA
- prince of percia forgotten sands [BLES00840] EUR
para 3.41:http://www.multiupload.com/UZTOP5ZXBN
- KANE & LINCH 2 DOG DAYS BLES00604 EUR by os3r
- Juiced 2 (BLES00143)
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZFN1CBE0
El RAR Trae para la version 3.55 y 3.41
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (BLES00246)
Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M7CI25JE
El RAR Trae para la version 3.55 y 3.41
- Wet EUR BLES00707 - 3.41 & 3.55
Last edited by Kendo; 01-12-2011 at 02:39 PM. Reason: updates|_______________________________|
.:'::.--->El Demonio De La Tinta<---.::':.
Also, These Files were not created by me, I am just making a list of them.
Thank you to all of the developers at PSX-Scene, PSGroove, and PS3News.com.
Disclaimer: Do NOT use any of these files for piracy. This is STRICTLY frowned upon… It’s people like YOU who are responsible for Geohot’s and fail0verflow’s lawsuit… Please, do not be a leach… After all, the people who work tirelessly on these games are developers too, and you have to support them or they will go out of business. Have some respect for the games. This list is strictly for those who want to play their personal backups and preserve their laser’s life or have a scratched game disc. You can download various new homebrew files(All are for 3.55 JB):
PS3 Signer Released! * This signs the files automagically!http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/PS3 DLL’s Required to Sign and Finalize the packages
PS3Foxx-GUI Automated PKG tool
Package Toolkit GUI
EBoot Elf Auto Modifier
PUPPy Packer/Unpacker
Custom Firmwares:
Geohot’s Jailbreak (scroll down to “It’s Jailbreak Time”)CFW With PEEK & POKE Syscalls (Thanks Netkas and Flukes1) http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Working APPS:
MultiMAN—–MultiMAN Update with Link Support
ComGenie’s Awesome File Manager
SNES 9X v4.4.2
SNES 9x v4.4.4
PS3 FTP Server
FCeu NES Emulator http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Open Manager 2.1 http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Mednafen Multi System Emulator
PS3 Breakout Game!
PS3 Doom (don’t forget to transfer the files to USRDIR)
VBA GBA GB Emulator
PS3SX Signed and Working on 3.55 JB
WORKING BACKUPS(don’t forget to transfer the USRDIR folder):
If no Firmware is listed, MOST LIKELY it’s a 3.55, or it contains BOTH 3.41 & 3.55**It’s been noted that some of these games ONLY work on 3.55JB without Peek n Poke and Vice Versa**
007-BLOODSTONE (BLES01017) 3.41 and 3.55 Untested
3D Dot Games Heroes installable package.
3D Dot Game Heroes *Another attempt, said to work if other didn’t
3D Dot Game Heroes BLJM60180 1.01 Update
Apache Air Assault (BLES00937) 3.41
Apache Air Assault (BLES00937) 3.55
Aquanauts Holiday 3.55 Transfer param.sfo to BLAN00001
Arcana Heart 3 JPN 3.41 & 3.55 WORKING
Arcana heart 3 BLJM60248 3.55, Transfer to AH3_GAME
Ashes Cricket 2009 online (Transfer to ASHESCKT/usrdir)
Assassin’s Creed BLES00158 3.55 copy to AC1_GAME/usrdir.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood (BLES00909) Works 2.02 patch
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (BLES00911). Works Online. 2.02 Patch
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood EUR BLES00909
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood EU BLES00909
Assassins Creed 2 BLES00669
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood EUR BLES00910
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland [BLUS30465]
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (BLUS30465)
Batman: Arkum Asylum copy param.sfo and eboot.bin to BLBM00001
Batman:AA (BLUS30279) Data goes into BATMANAAA/USRDATA
Battlefield Bad Company 2 copy param.sfo to BLBC20001, restart, run.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 EUR (BLES00773) http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (BLES00773)
Bayonetta BLES00599 3.55 Copy ALL files and folders from PS3_GAME to hdd0:/RAT/BAYO EXCEPT PARAM.SFO & EBOOT.BIN from USRDIR
Bayonetta [BLUS30367] [3.55]
Black Rain BCES00802 3.55 http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Blazblue Continuum Shift (BLUS30576)
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger (BLES00820) Transfer to BLAZBLCT
Blood Drive (MRTC00011) http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Blur BLUS30295 3.55
Blur (BLES00759) (3.41 AND 3.55)
Blur (another attempt at it if the other didn’t work)
Borderlands 3.55 USA copy usrdir to /BORDER/usrdir
Borderlands 3.55: Copy Param.sfo & USRDIR to BLBL00000, Navigate to /dev_hdd0/game/BLBL00000/USRDIR/ENGINE/SPLASH/PS3/ and rename LOADSCREEN.FPO to LOADSCRN.FPO
Call Of Duty: Black Ops (BLES01031) WORKING ONLINE 1.05 PATCHED:
It may work in zombie mode but the mp self for normal multiplayer needs patching still.Call Of Duty: Black Ops (BLES01031) 3.55 *Reported working offline only
BLES01031 is the GAME version, but this method and files should work for other regions (you will need to edit titleID in param.sfo files provided)
Follow the readme instructions. Sorry for filesize (57mb) its only way I could get a dummy link made.
This fixes the disappearing xmb icon BTW. That was my main reason for making this. Sorry if this has been figured out already. Took me ages to figure this out btw (tried 10 different ideas before this one).
Call Of Duty: Black Ops (BLUS30591) 3.55 *Reported working offline only
Call Of Duty: Black Ops (US) (3.55) *Reported not working! new 1.05 update needs patching!
Call Of Duty: Black Ops (BLES01031) EU *Reported not working!
Call Of Duty: Black Ops (BLES01031) EU *Reported not working!
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (BLES00683) EU 3.55 Working ONLINE ONLY, NO SINGLE PLAYER, Transfer to MW2_GAME/USRDIR
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (BLES00683) EU 3.55
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (BLES00683) EU 3.55
Call Of Duty: MW2 BLES00683 for 3.41 only
Call of Duty: World At War BLES00354 3.55
Castlevania Backup Not Included First one to be done
Cross Edge BLUS30348 3.55 AND 3.41
Dark Sector BLES00222 3.55
Dark Siders: Install, Make DS0000 folder, Upload data.rar contents, upload param.sfo to DS000000 AND DS0000, restart, run.
Dead Rising 2 BLES00948
Dead Rising 2 (BLES00948) *Special Instructions (See FAR Below)
Dead Rising 2 EU : With the following instructions: (thanks slifer) *update
1.check game data utility delete dead rising 2 if its there also use comgenies or ftp and delete any previous BLES0001 and BLES00948 folders from dev_hdd0/gameDead Space 3.55 working*
2.install package file
3.replace PARAM.SFO,LICDIR,TROPDIR,USRDIR in dev_hdd0/game/BLES0001 with the ones from the archive
4.copy data folder to dev_hdd0/game/BLES0001/USRDIR and then restart your ps3
it should now start and install game data
Demon Souls BLUS30443 3.41 & 3.55, transfer to DMS_Game
Demon Souls BLES00932 Euro V4
Demons Souls – Made by Omnomnom US - Working Online TESTED!
Demons Souls [BLES00932] [EUR] [3.41 / 3.55] Working
Devil May Cry 4 BLUS30092
Dirt 2, BLES00673 *Totally untested, even by author…—>*DOESN’T WORK*
Disgaea BLUS30181 v2.3
DJ Hero 2 (BLES00896)
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 1 BLES VERSION Data goes in dev_hdd0/DRAGONBR/USRDIR
Dragon Ball raging blast 2 (blus30581)
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 (BLUS30581) transfer to “dev_hdd0/BLUS3058/”
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 BLES00978 *Special Instructions (See Below)
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 BLES00978 http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 BLUS30581 3.55
Dynasty Warrior Gundam BLUS30058
Eat Lead BLES00495 Patch for USBHDD000 – 3.41 & 3.55 tested
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY (PAL) (BLES00163)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion & GOTY (BLUS-30007 & BLUS30087) 3.55 *Working Confirmed
Enchanted Arms BLES00049 Both 3.41 AND 3.55 included, tested and working
Enslaved US BLUS30558 Transfer to ENSLAVED/USRDIR
Eternal Sonata (BLUS30161) (A fix for this was just released, scroll down)
Eternal Sonata BLES00444 PATCH for USB HDD External 3.55 & 3.41Fallout New Vegas 3.55 Copy USRDIR & Param.SFO provided to FONV3000, Copy FALLOUT.ini from dev_hdd0/game/FONV3000/USRDIR to dev_hdd0/game/FONV3000 so there is 2 copies of it, 1 in usrdir one in root folder.
Fallout New Vegas (Eu)
Fallout New Vegas (US) BLUS3500
Family Game Night 3 USA BLUS30578
Fifa 2011 Pal – BLES01059 3.55 – By DjYXA *Confirmed working
FIFA 2011 BLES01059 3.55
Fifa Street 3 – BLES00188 3.55
Fifa 11 1.03 Online instructions below:
Copy .pkg to USB driveFight Night round 4 (BLES00538) Made by trueicecold
Delete any previously installed fifa patches by deleting them from Game Data on
Install .pkg with Geohot CFW
Copy Everything from Fifa 11′s USRDIR to dev_hdd0/game/BLES01059/USRDIR/ except
for these files. These files must remain in dev_hdd0/game/BLES01059/USRDIR/ and
cannot be overwritten. This is due to the fact that the 1.03 Patch is embedded
in my .pkg to enable online play.
dlc (folder)
Also copy the TROPDIR from Fifa 11 to dev_hdd0/game/BLES01059/
Fight Night Round 4 for 3.55 (BLUS30285)
Final Fantasy XIII Asian Edition BCAS25005 3.41
FFXII Asian Signed ^^^^^ And another one FFXII Asian Signed
Final Fantasy XIII BLES00783 3.55
Fist of the North Star: Kens Rage BLES01062 3.55 Transfer to FTNKGAME/Usrdir
‘Get Fit With Mel B’ USA PKG for 3.55 only
Ghostbusters BCES00233 3.55 copy to GHOSTBUS/usrdir… also replace param.sfo
God of War Collection (BCES00791 EU) 3.55 working
1 – Install the two pkg
2 – Create a folder in / dev_hdd0 / with the name z
3 – Within that folder create two folders called GOWAR1 and GOWAR2
4 – Within GOWAR1 copy all files from your backup (LICDIR / TROPDIR / USRDIR) except USRDIR/GOW2 that in the other.
5 – Within GOWAR2 copy all files from your backup (LICDIR / TROPDIR / USRDIR) except USRDIR/GOW1 that is already in the other folder.
6 – The final address for GOW1 is this: /devhdd0/z/GOWAR1/USRDIR/GOW1/exec/gow1.psarc
The final address for GOW2 is this: /devhdd0/z/GOWAR2/USRDIR/GOW2/exec/gow2.psarcGod Of War Collection (BCUS98229) Working 3.55 & 3.41
God of War 3
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5 BCUS98114 *Special Instructions (Look at the bottom), unconfirmed, beaver says no
GTA IV 3.55 BLUS30127 Working, copy to z/GTAIV4/usrdir, then edit param.sfo from hg to GD
GTA IV 3.55 BLES version
GTA IV 3.55 BLUS30127
GTA 4 BLES00229 3.55
Guitar Hero 5 (BLUS30292) Not working!!!
Guitar Hero Metallica Install, Copy Param.sfo to BLGHM0001, restart ps3, play
Guitar Hero Smash Hits BLUS30290, Copy games into GHSHGAME/
Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock BLUS30487
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock BLUS30074 3.55 (Thanks Maniakc)
1. Copy the “PS3_GAME” folder from your Guitar Hero III backup to “dev_hdd0″.
2. Rename “PS3_GAME” to “GH3_GAME”.
3. Install the included pkg file.
4. Boot up from the xmb and have fun rocking out!Gundam Musou 3 (BLJM60300) (Install, copy usrdir to GUN3GAME, copy tropdir to game/BLJM60300)
Heavenly Sword BCES00078
Heavenly Sword BCUS98132 BOTH 3.41 AND 3.55
Heavy Rain BCES00802 3.55 ***** (You must copy TROPDIR as well) ******
Heavy Rain 3.55 BLUS98164
How to Train your Dragon (BLES00798) 3.55, copy to G/DRAGON/
How To Train Your Dragon (BLES00798)
inFamous BCES00609 3.55 EXTERNAL HDD ONLY!!!! Move to hdd1/game-id
inFamous 3.55 install, copy param.sfo to BCIN00000 (plus game data)
inFamous BCAS20074 Made by trueicecold Upload to: /dev_hdd0/INFAMOUS/USRDIR
Iron Man 2 BLES00885 3.41 & 3.55 TESTED, transfer USRDIR contents to BLES00885
James Bond 007: Blood Stone BLES01017
Just Cause 2 EU 3.55
Katamari Forever (BLES00658) for 3.55 *UNTESTED, UNCONFIRMED
KILLZONE 2 – BCUS98116 3.55 *Tested working by author
KillZone 2 (BCES00081) 3.41
KillZone 2 (BCES00081) 3.55
Killzone 2 – 3.55 (Fixed) BCES00081
Killzone 3 3.55
King of Fighters XII, The PAL 3.41 & 3.55 BLES00610
Last Rebellion BLES00861 3.41 & 3.55
Lego Harry Potter 3.55 BLES00720
Little Big Planet BCES00611 3.55, Transfer both USRDATA and LICDIR
Little Big Planet BCES00141 (EUR normal Edition?) 3.55 Fix Install that, then replace the eboot with this
Little Big Planet 2 3.55
Little Big Planet 2 BCUS98245 3.55
Little Big Planet GOTY Edition BCUS89208 3.55
Little Big Planet GOTY Edition [BCAS20078] Confirm Working
Little Big Planet GOTY EUR BCES00611
Little Big Planet – BCUS98148 – 3.55 WORKING
Lost Planet BLES00198 working 3.55 EXTERNAL HDD ONLY
Madden 11 BLES00916 working 3.55
Madden 11 BLUS30546/BLES30546 WORKING
1. Install Package
2. Make folder in dev_hdd0 called MADDENME
3. Inside MADDENME make folder called USRDIR
4. Copy the contents of your backup’s USRDIR into the USRDIR of MADDENME (minus the eboot.bin)
5. Go to dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30546
6. Delete the folders TROPDIR and LICDIR (if it’s there) and upload those folders from your backup.Madden 11 US Version (BLUS-30546) *3.55*
Madden 11 US 3.55 Untested
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom BLUS30472 for 3.41 & 3.55
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom BLES00919 (3.41 & 3.55)
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom BLES00919
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom 3.55 - PAL – BLES00919- By DjYXA
Makai Senki Disgaea 3 (BLJS10011) V5.10
Medal Of Honor BLUS30436
Metal Gear Solid 3 *Untested
Mindjack Install package, Copy PARAM.SFO to MRMJ00001, Restart PS3, Play
Mindjack (MRTC00014)
Mini Ninjas BLUS30248 BOTH 3.41 AND 3.55
Monopoly *was commented that it doesn’t work
Monopoly Streets USA BLUS30533
Monster Jam: POD (BLUS30561) 3.55 by jadekitten \dev_hdd0\MJAMGAME
Motor Storm Pacific Rift – BCUS98155 3.55
EA Sports MMA EU
EA Sports MMA Working
EA MMA EU or US, BLUS30567
Nail’d US BLUS30544 3.55 if you have 1.02 update installed delete it it First or it will not run!
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 BLUS30495 (USA)
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 1 *Working 3.55
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 BLES00952 3.55 Transfer to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00952/USRDIR/
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (BLES00952) http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 [BLES00952] 3.55
Naughty Bear (BLES00945)
Naughty Bear Working (Transfer to hdd0/z/NGBEU1/)
NBA 2K11 *Eboot patch file only* BLUS3057
NBA Elite 11 BLUS30592 Do the following: Copy USRDIR to “/dev_hdd0/NBA_GAME/”, Install PKG, Put the folder BLUS30592 to “/dev_hdd0/game/”, Put the params.sfo from the folder “sfo fix” into “/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30593″
NBA Jam BLES01162 3.55 USRDIR goes into BLES01162
NBA Jam BLES01162 3.55 – Move data to game/BLES01162/USRDIR folder.
NBA Jam BLES001162 3.41 & 3.55
NBA Jam (BLUS30969) 3.55
NBA Jam (BLUS30969) 3.55
NBA Live 10 v1.00 BLES00637
NCAA Football 11 BLUS30560 3.55
Need For Speed: Carbon for 3.55 Working:
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit for 3.55 (BLES00949) * Just updated, Now working!create folder HIYAHIYA/ in hdd0/
then create a folder titled USRDIR in HIYAHIYA
so it should like this hdd0/HIYAHIYA/USRDIR
copy all files except eboot.bin to the HIYAHIYA/ folder
then install the pkg
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit for 3.55 (BLUS30566) * Reported WORKING!
NFS Hot Pursuit (BLES00949) 3.55 *Working Online 1.01
NFS Hot Pursuit (BLES00949) 3.55
NFS Hot Pursuit (BLES00949) 3.55
NFS Hot Pursuit (BLES00949) 3.55
Need For Speed Shift 3.55 install, place game into dev_hdd0/z/SHIFT0
Need For Speed Shift – BLES00682
NHL 2011 US 3.55
NieR Replicant (BLJM60223)
Nier BLUS30481 3.41 & 3.55
Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma 3.55 : Install, Copy param.sfo to BLNG20000, Copy USRDIR to BLNG20000, restart, run.
No More Heroes – Made by Omnomnom BLJS10072 3.55
No More Heroes Paradise (BLJS10072)
Prison Break 3.55
Prison Break 3.55
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (BLES01022) 1.02 ONLINE
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (BLES01022)
PES 2011 BLUS30610 *Special Instructions (See Below)
PES 2011 BLES01022 *Reportedly doesn’t work, give it a shot though.
PES 2011 BLES01022 3.41
PES 2011 BLES01022 3.55
Prince of Persia Trilogy 3d BLES01092 3.55
Place USRDIR like this: /dev_hdd0/PP3_GAME/USRDIR
Delete original
USRDIR/POP_WW/mainps3.ppu.selfPrototype 3.55
Quantum of Solice (BLUS30199) 3.55 Copy files to BLUS30199
Red Dead Redemption BLES00680 3.55 Copy to REDEADR
Red Dead Redemption US (BLUS30418) *Not working reportedly, Needs patch.
Red Dead Redemption 3.55 install, copy param.sfo & eboot.bin to BLRD000000, restart, run
Red Dead Redemption (BLUS30418) *Special Instructions, Confirmed Working!!
Red Dead Redemption (BLES00680) Working
1) Install PKG, game will install to /dev_hdd0/game/BLESRDRED/Red Dead Redemption (BLES00680) 3.55
2) Copy USRDIR contents except EBOOT.BIN to /dev_hdd0/game/BLESRDRED/USRDIR
3) Replace /dev_hdd0/game/BLESRDRED/PARAM.SFO with the one in the package.
4) Restart PS3 (may not be necessary)
5) Launch game, it will install data.
1. Install Package
2. Make folder in dev_hdd0 called REDDEADR
3. Inside REDDEADR make folder called USRDIR
4. Copy the contents of your backup’s USRDIR into the USRDIR of REDDEADR (minus the eboot.bin)
5. Go to dev_hdd0/game/BLES00680
6. Delete the folders TROPDIR and LICDIR (if it’s there) and upload those folders from your backupReflex MX Vs. ATV BLES00662 3.41 & 3.55
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition [BLUS30491] [3.55]
Resonance of Fate (BLUS30484) 3.41 & 3.55, transfer to FATE30484
Ridge Racer 7 BCES00009 3.55 (put in RR7_GAME/USRDIR/)
Ridge Racer 7 BCES00009 3.55 Copy to RID_Game
Rock Band: The Beatles BLUS30282 transfer to dev_hdd0/z/BEATLE/ Install, then play
Rock Band 3 (US) v1.02 – BLU30463
Rock Band 3 (BLUS30463)
Rock Band 3 (BLUS30463) FIXED 3.55
Rorona no Atelier: Arland no Renkinjutsushi (BLJM60154) * Special Instructions (See Below)
RUSE [BLUS30478]
Saboteur BLUS30407} {{3.55 By Garus59 geohot}
SEGA MEGA DRIVE Ultimate Collection for 3.55
SEGA Super All Stars Racing
Sengoku Basara MRTC00005 for 3.41 & 3.55 WORKING
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes USA MRTC00005 3.55, EXTERNAL HDD ONLY
Shoot, The BCES00463 copy usrdir to THESHOOT, copy icon0.png to THESHOOT
Sims 3 3.55 Copy param.sfo into BLTS20001
Singstar Motown EU 3.55 & 3.41
Singstar Vol 2 BCES00233 copy to SINGSTAR/usrdir, working on 3.55
Skate 3 3.55 BLES00760 Tested Working
Skate 3 (BLES00760) *Tested Working!
Skate 3 BLUS30464
Sly Collection BCUS98246
Sly Collection Tested Working
Sly 1 BCUS-98246 *WORKING
Sly 2 BCUS-98246 *WORKING
Sly 3 BCUS-98246 *WORKING
Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing PAL – BLES00750
Sonic Unleashed: BLUS30244
Soul Caliber 4 3.55 BLES00296 Working
Soul Caliber 4 3.55 BLUS30160 Working
Spiderman Web of Shadows BLES00392 working
Splatterhouse (BLUS30335)
Splatterhouse EU 3.55
Splatterhouse EUR (BLES01120) – 3.41 & 3.55
Splinter Cell Double Agent BLES00024 3.41 & 3.55 thanks acevader
Split Second BLUS30300
Split Second BLUS30300 alt
Sports Champions USA (BCUS98177) with V1.2 For CFW 3.55
Sport Champions for 3.41 and 3.55 Thanks Tunsi
Sports Champions 3.55 BCES00795
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (MTRC00001) 3.55 and 3.41, Transfer to STAR00001
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 BLUS30534
Start The Party BCES00969 3.55
Tales of Graces f (BLJS10093)
Tekken 6 PKG & Here is the Tekken 6 fixed Param.SFO instructions (Thanks BOTGOD):
1. Install Tekken 6 PKGTekken 6 EU BLES00635 3.55
2. Upload the fixed PARAM.SFO to your PS3 HDD in dev_hdd0/game/BLT600001
3. Upload the DATA (from USRDIR of your backup) to dev_hdd0/game/BLT600001
3. Restart PS3
4. Launch Tekken 6 (It will install data)
5. (OPTIONAL SOMETIMES: Sometimes even after changing the PARAM.SFO and restarting your PS3 the game will say data corrupt still! Do not freak out, just run game from XMB again. This happened to me on 2 previous titles.)
Tiger Woods PGA 2011 (BLES00870)
Tomb Raider (3.55) http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/
Tombraider Underworld – BLUS30224 prepatched with 1.01 INTERNAL VERSION
Tombraider underworld – BLUS30224 pre-patched with V1.01 update *External HDD version!!!!!
Tomb Raider Underworld 1.00
Tomb Raider Underworld Euro Version (BLES00409)
Tombraider Underworld BLUS30224 Also, the Prison Break Patch EU
THE FIGHT LIGHTS OUT BCUS98255 *Special Instructions(See Below)
Trinity Universe BLUS30535 3.55 & 3.44 Working
Tron Evolution 3.55 copy param.sfo and eboot.bin to BLTR00001
TRON BLES00761 Untested 3.55 (Thanks snipermonkey)
1. Install pkg
2. Create folder in dev_hdd0\ called TRONGAME
3. Create a folder called USRDIR in dev_hdd0\TRONGAME
4. Install the contents of the USRDIR of your back up into the USRDIR of dev_hdd0\TRONGAME\
5. Copy the EBOOT.BIN from your dev_hdd0\game\BLES00971\USRDIR into the USRDIR of dev_hdd0\TRONGAME\, so that you have 1 in each.TRON – Made by Omnomnom BLES00761 3.55
Two World 2 BLES00845
Umineko no Naku koro ni: Majo to Suiri no Rondo (BLJM60292)
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni [BLJM60292] 3.55
Uncharted 1 3.55 Transfer to UNC_GAME/USRDIR
Uncharted BCES00065 EURO Transfer to UNCHART0/USRDIR
Uncharted – Made by Omnomnom for 3.55 (BCUS98103)
Uncharted 2 BCUS98123 1.09 update 3.55 WORKING
Uncharted 2 3.55, install, copy param.sfo to BCUN00000, restart, run
Uncharted 2 – Made by Omnomnom for 3.55 (BCES00509)
Uncharted 2 (BCUS98123) Made by trueicecold
Uncharted 2 BCES00757 3.55 *Untested
Valkyria Chronicles – Made by Omnomnom BLES00372
Vanquish – BLES00927 – 3.55 WORKING
Vanqush BLUS30543 working
Virtua Fighter BLES00029 EXTERNAL HDD ONLY!
Wall-E BLES00280 3.41 only
Wet BLES00707 – For 3.41 & 3.55
White Knight Chronicles – Made by Omnomnom BCES00225 3.55 May or May Not Work (depends)
Winter Sports 2011 BLES01061
WRC EU BLES00992 3.55 Working, Install, transfer to WRC_GAME/USRDIR. Transfer PARAM.SFO to FAK009921
Wipeout HD – Made by Omnomnom BCES00664 3.55
Wipeout HD Fury BCES00664 3.55 Instructions (Rat_BO):
1. install .pkgWipeout HD Fury BCES00664 for 3.55 Online Play, long instructions (thanks Rat_Bo):
2. move USRDIR except eboot.bin to hdd0/RAT/WOHF
3. copy TROPDIR to hdd0/RAT/WOHF & game/BCES0664DATA – read edit
4. Restart PS3
1. install 1st .pkgWWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011 WORKING (Thanks Gambit92)
2. move USRDIR except eboot.bin to hdd0/RAT/WOHF
3. copy TROPDIR to hdd0/RAT/WOHF & game/BCES0664DATA – read edit
4. Restart PS3
5. Start the Game and Install Gamedata then skip Update, go in the gamemenu, then quit the game
6. start the game again and make the update
7. now you have a data07.psarc in game/BCES00664/USRDIR move this to RAT/WOHF/USRDIR & game/BCES00644DATA/USRDIR
8. delete data07.psarc from game/BCES00644/USRDIR
9. install 2nd .pkg
10. delete all data from RAT/WOHF/USRDIR
11. run the game and enjoy
1st: http://rapidshare.com/files/44251102…_BCES00644.rar
2nd: http://rapidshare.com/files/44253163…S00644_2nd.rar
Download the following packages:X-Blades 3.55, install, copy param.sfo + usrdata to BLEX0000 without eboot obviously
Version 1.00 — install first
Version 1.01 — install second
1. Install the first package, version 1.00 UP0001-BLUS30621_00-0000111122223333.pkg.
2. Copy the game data from the original backup to /dev_hdd0/WWE_GAME/USRDIR
3. Download and install the SvR 2011 patch. You can find this online, you can get it from a torrent. The file size is 331 MB so you can check against that to make sure you are getting the right file. The name is UP1005-BLUS30621_00-SVRCATALOG000002-A0101-V0100.pkg. I have uploaded it but it might take a long time for you to download it so getting a torrent and ONLY downloading the patch is probably faster. Or there may be other sources you can get it from… It is mentioned earlier in this thread (Smackdown VS Raw 2011 backup problem) if you are interested. If you don’t want to look around though, you can download the patch here.
4. Install the second package, version 1.01 UP0001-BLUS99887_00-0000111122223333.pkg.
Yakuza 3 copy param.sfo to BLYA00001, restart, run
Yakuza 3 BLES00834 3.55 install data to YAKUZA
*Reminder, You cannot upload EURO files to a US version crack, nor vice versa, although you can play EURO games on a US PS3.*
regarding doom (XTTL from PSX-SCENE.com):
You need to make a directory called “ps3doom” (all lowercase!) on the root of your USB drive and put your WAD(s) in there. The WAD filenames must also be all lowercase (eg. “doom1.wad”, not “DOOM1.WAD” or “Doom1.wad”).Regarding Rorona no Atelier (Thanks Rikukh3):
If you don’t have any Doom IWADs yet, try this shareware Doom 1 IWAD: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/slitaz/sources/packages/d/doom1.wad
(edit: you can also put the WADs on CF/MS/SD/MMC cards if you have an early PS3 with integrated card readers or you can put them in PS3DOOM’s USRDIR on your PS3 HDD too)
1) Install first (NPWR00712) PKG file.Regarding PES 2011 (Thanks Nikmaster):
2) Install second (BLJM60154) PKG file.
3) Transfer USRDIR folder with all contents to /dev_hdd0/game/BLJM60154/USRDIR/
Create the file structure below inside your PS3:Regarding Dead Rising 2 ( Thanks Just2Good)
After that, put all files needed
Install pkg.Regarding Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2 (thanks Raiiza)
Create folders in your PS3 so it looks like the following:
Place the data folder into USRDIR via FTP/Filemanager and your set.
I also suggest not updating when it prompts.
Follow StepsRegarding The Fight Lights Out (Thanks FullMetal172):
1)Start blackb0x FTP(or other ps3 ftp server)
2)Open FileZilla(or other) on computer
3)Create Directory Name DBRBGAME In /dev_hdd0
4)Install PKG file.
5)Copy the USRDIR FOLDER to /dev_hdd0/DBRBGAME/ (Remember to remove EBOOT.BIN)
6)*IMPORTANT* Transfer TROPDIR Folder in RAR Using FileZilla(or other) to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00978.
1. Create folder TFLOGAME under dev_hdd0Regarding Gran Turismo 4 (thanks racketboy):
2. Place USRDIR folder (without EBOOT.BIN) in TFLOGAME
This took me far too bloody long to get working, so appreciate it!!
Installable Gran Turismo 5 on XMB.
Backup your Gran Turismo 5 disc using a PS3 FTP server to your computer. I recommend Blackb0x FTP.
Download this: Multiupload.com – upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Copy PKG to a memory stick and plug this into your PS3.
Install Package from XMB (requires 3.55 Geohot).
Run Gran Turismo 5 from the XMB, Don’t worry if it black screens and you can’t access XMB, it’s supposed to do this.
Restart your PS3.
Open your FTP program again, and run your FTP server on PS3. Navigate to dev_hdd0/BCUS98114/USRDIR/
Copy the following files from your backed up GT5 disc: GT.VOL and the Movies folder. DO NOT COPY EBOOT.BIN. Leave the one that is already in there alone, this is the modified EBOOT.BIN that allows it to boot from the HDD.
Once this is complete. Exit your FTP Server and run the game from XMB. Cancel the update as this will overwrite the modified EBOOT.BIN and will stop the game booting and you will have to do the whole thing again.
Have fun.
Regarding Red Dead Redemption (Thanks Cayspekko):
This is how I did it. (It might only work after you’ve run the retail disk already)Regarding Heavenly Sword (Thanks Syntenic):
First I renamed /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30418 to BLUS30419-BU (if you’ve already used the retail disk). Then I followed the steps in the rar:
1) Install PKG
2) COpy everything from PS3_GAME to /dev_hdd0/game/rdr
3) Copy PARAM.SFO to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30418
4) Run Red Dead Redemption
5) Install will hang at 100%
6) Install PKG again
7) Copy PARAM.SFO to /dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30418 againRun RDR from xmb and enjoy
9) Repeat steps 6-8 everytime you quit
1) Install PKG from hereBLES00444 - Eternal Sonata Euro Version (thanks min2max)
2) Make New folder in /dev_hdd0 called HVSWGAME
3) Make New folder in /dev_hdd0/HVSWGAME called USRDIR
4) Copy the folder HS from inside your backup USRDIR (if you used MultiMAN – /dev_hdd0/GAMES/BCES00078/PS3_GAME/USRDIR) to /dev_hdd0/HVSWGAME/USRDIR)
5) Go back to the XMB AND PLAY! (for some reason everything comes up in the Unknown folder at first but you can change this by pressing Triangle on the game icon and going to Information then Edit the Album name)
Copy UP0004-BLES00444_00-0000111122223333.pkg into the root directory of an usb stick or external hdd.
Install on PS3 OFW3.41 JB. Copy from your backup the folder /ps3_game/USRDIR/archives to the internal
hdd of the ps3 by ftp or with any ps3 filemanager to /dev_hdd0/game/BLES00444/
Start the game directly from XMB - no more JB needed!
Enjoy :D
Read more at: 3.55 Downloads | Homebrew PS3 - Homebrew for your PS3 Homebrew http://homebrewps3.com/downloads/#ixzz3qDs6Tq44
I will be posting here all the collections of modified and working PKGs for 3.41 JB and Non-JB mode and 3.55 kmeaw CFW PS3.
Some of these files are mine, some are not mine. I modified some of the games to work for 3.41 PS3, because some of them are only packed, signed and working only for 3.55 PS3.
All PKGs can be installed on 3.41 CFW/JB and 3.55 kmeaw CFW only.
Credits to those who made most of the PKGs below.
Instructions on how to use is included inside each files.
How to download: Click the name of the file you want to download to download that file.
What's new:
Bulletstorm BLES01134
PS3 3.41 CFW:
Hermes 3.41 PUP Pre-patched I've tried and working!
Payload v4d
asbestOS loader (By AmazingLarry)
Awesome Mountpoint Manager (By AmazingLarry)
Awesome Peek Poke (By AmazingLarry)
Back-Up Manager v2 (By AmazingLarry)
Blackbox 1.1 I've tried and working!
Blackbox 1.2 I've tried and working!
Bomberman (By AmazingLarry)
BreakOutX (By AmazingLarry)
Cascade Beneath (By AmazingLarry)
CFW Load v1.0 (By AmazingLarry)
Comgenie's Awesome File Manager v0.6 I've tried and working!
Cover Manager (By AmazingLarry)
Cubicle Shooter (By AmazingLarry)
Don't Get Crushed (By AmazingLarry)
DOOM v00.04 (By AmazingLarry)
DVD Enabler (By AmazingLarry)
FBANext r333 (By AmazingLarry)
FCEU v1.3 (By AmazingLarry)
FixPermissions LAUN12345 (By AmazingLarry)
Flex Manager (By AmazingLarry)
Free Flash (By AmazingLarry)
GAIA Manager 1.4.02 (By AmazingLarry)
GAIA Manager 1.4.1 (By AmazingLarry)
GenesisPlus GX v1.2 (By AmazingLarry)
Heretic (By AmazingLarry)
Hexen (By AmazingLarry)
JaiCrab CFW Loader v0.3 (By AmazingLarry)
LUA Player (By AmazingLarry)
LV2 Dumper (By AmazingLarry)
Maze Generator (By AmazingLarry)
Mednafen r399 (By AmazingLarry)
MHU Freestore (By AmazingLarry)
Mount Alejandro (By AmazingLarry)
MultiMAN 1.12 (By AmazingLarry)
NeoRace v0.2 (By AmazingLarry)
OpenManager 1.17.2 (By AmazingLarry)
OpenCopyInstall v1.1 (By AmazingLarry)
OpenManager01234 v2.1I (By AmazingLarry)
OpenManager46756 v2.1I (By AmazingLarry)
PCE Emulator v1.3.0 (By AmazingLarry)
Pretty Manager (By AmazingLarry)
PS3 FTP Old (By AmazingLarry)
PS3 FTP Oldest (By AmazingLarry)
PS3 Load (By AmazingLarry)
PS3 Pong (By AmazingLarry)
PS3 Vecx (By AmazingLarry)
PSJB Back-up Manager 1.1 (By AmazingLarry)
Rogero Manager 7.8 (By AmazingLarry)
ScummVM (By AmazingLarry)
SELF-SPRX Decrypter (By AmazingLarry)
Sexy Manager (By AmazingLarry)
Simple AVCHD Manager v0.2 (By AmazingLarry)
SNES9X v4.4.3 (By AmazingLarry)
SuiteApp Beta (By AmazingLarry)
Th@nky0u Manager (By AmazingLarry)
That Other Space Shooter v0.1 (By AmazingLarry)
VBA v1.01 (By AmazingLarry)
Vice64 v1.03 (By AmazingLarry)
3D Dot Game Heroes BLES00875 (By geronimo73)
Arcana Heart 3 BLJM60248 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Armored Core 4 BLES00039 v2 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Armored Core For Answer BLES00370 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Armored Core For Answer BLJM55005 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Assassins Creed BLES00158 (By hellviz) External HDD/USB version only!]
Assassins Creed 2 BLES00669 (By hellviz) External HDD/USB version only!
Assassins Creed Brotherhood BLES00909 (By hellviz) External HDD/USB version only!
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood BLES00909 I've tried and working!
Atelier Rorona BLUS30465 (By almostalive) I've tried and working! (Re-uploaded)
Batman Arkham Asylum (By BoTGoD)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 BLES00773 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Bayonetta BLUS30367 (By ZerNalk) I've repacked it to work on 3.41 I've tried and working!
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Destruction BLUS30663 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Blazblue - Continum Shift BLUS0576 (By dnniwa485)
Brunswick Bowling BLUS30532 (By CiR3)
Brunswick Bowling BLUS30532 v2 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Bulletstorm BLES01134 v3-v6 (By ANiMeX) (Untested)
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box BLES00455 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Call Of Duty Black Ops BLES01031 (By PRiME2010 and rdbrooks) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Call of Duty Modern Warfare BLES00148
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 BLES00683 I've tried and working!
Castlevania Lords of Shadow BLES01047
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs BLES00618 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Cross Edge BLUS30348 (By almostalive) (Re-uploaded)
De Blob 2 BLES01160 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Dead Space BLES00310 (By flakmunkey) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Demon Souls BLUS30443
Devil May Cry 4 BLUS30092 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Disgaea 3 BLUS30181 (By riku.kh3) New PKG and said working in non-JB mode.
Dragonball Raging Blast 2 BLES00978 (By Raiiza)
Dynasty Warriors GUNDAM BLUS30058
Enchanted Arms BLES00049 (By almostalive)
DarkSiders (By BoTGoD)
Dragonball Raging Blast 2 BLES00978 (By Raiiza)
Eternal Sonata BLES00444 I've tried and working!
Everybody's Golf BCES00068 (By EBOOT FUN CREW) I've tried and working with BGM!
Fallout 3 Game of the Year BLUS30451 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Fallout New Vegas BLUS30500 (By BoTGoD) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Fight Night Round 4 BLUS30285 I've tried and working!
Final Fantasy XIII BCAS25005 (By dnniwa485)
God of War Collection BCUS98229 (By riku.kh3) I've tried and working!
Grand Theft Auto 4 BLES00229 (By fredzkiller) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Grand Theft Auto Episodes From Liberty City BLES00887 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
GreenDay RockBand BLUS30350 (By ironhide666)
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock BLUS30074 (By Maniakc)
Heavenly Sword BCUS98132 (By almostalive)
Heavy Rain BCES00802 (By Shackler) I've tried and working!
Hot Shots Golf 5 BCUS98115 (By EBOOT FUN CREW) I've tried and working with BGM!
Hyperdimension Neptunia BLUS30701 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
inFamous BCUS00023
James Bond 007: Blood Stone BLES01017 (By geronimo73)
Katamari Forever BLUS30336 (By elk1007)
Killzone 2 BCES00081
Killzone 3 BCES01007 (By jonnyjaeger) Confirmed working.
Last Rebellion BLES00861 (By almostalive) (Re-uploaded.) (Thanks Jake Moints for re-uploading the files.)
Lego Indiana Jones 2 BLES00121 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga BLES00763 I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Little Big Planet GOTY BCES00611 I've tried and working!
Little Big Planet 2 BCES00850 (By ANiMeX)
Little Big Planet 2 BCUS98245 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Lost Planet 2 MRTC00002 (By runo)
Mafia 2 BLES00955 (By leeg123) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Marvel Ultimate Alliance BLUS30010 (By dan1j3l)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 BLES00546 v2 (By ANiMeX) New PKG. I've tried and working!
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 BLUS30410 v3 (By ANiMeX) Working You need to install the PKG and copy the PARAM.SFO again every time you want to play the game. The icon disappears from the XMB after playing. Sorry.
Mass Effect 2 BLES01133 (By kingdali) Reported not working.
Medal of Honor BLUS30436
Mindjack MRTC00014 (By FalconSS)
Mini Ninjas BLUS30248 (By almostalive)
MMA Sports BLUS30567
Nail'd BLUS30544 (By vihtoriii) Reported not working.
Naruto Ultimate Storm 2 BLUS30495 (By atmos101) Confirmed working
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 BLES00952 I've tried and working!
NBA Jam HD BLUS30696 I've tried and working!
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit BLES00949 I've tried and working!
Nier BLUS30481 (By almostalive)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 BLUS30380
Prince of Persia 2008 BLUS30214 (By hellviz) External HDD/USB version only!
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands BLES00840 (By hellviz) External HDD/USB version only!
Prince of Persia The Forgot Sands BLES00840 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Prince of Persia The Forgot Sands BLES00840 (By HouseBoy)
Prototype BLUS30145 (By lowrider207) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Quantum Of Solace BLUS30198 (By alphabr)
Red Dead Redemption BLUS30418 (By DeadlyAnGeL) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition BLUS30491 I've repacked it to work on 3.41 I've tried and working!
SEGA MEGA DRIVE Ultimate Collection BLES00475 (By geronimo73)
Sengoku Musou 3 Z BLJM60313 (By ANiMeX)
Silent Hill Homecoming BLES00460 (By pipirisnaki)
Sonic & Sega All Star Racing BLES00750 (By dnniwa485)
Sonic Unleashed BLUS30244 (By fredzkiller) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Soul Calibur 4 BLES00296 (By nick0016)
Split Second BLUS30300 (By Katsuhiko)
Sports Champions BCUS98177 (By <__>) (Re-uploaded.)
Start the Party BCES00747 (By lowrider207) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Tales of Graces F BLJS10093 (By riku.kh3)
Tales of Vesperia BLJS10053 (By riku.kh3)
Test Drive Unlimited 2 BLUS30527 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion GOTY BLES00163 (By pancho)
Tomb Raider Underworld BLES00409 (By jonnyjaeger)
Trinity Universe BLUS30535 (By almostalive) (Re-uploaded!)
Two Worlds 2 BLES00845 (By BuMBo_PR) New PKG and said working.
UFC undisputed 2010 BLUS30483 (By Buck244)
Uncharted BCUS98103 (By Omnomnom) I've repacked it to work on 3.41
Uncharted 2 BCUS98123 I've tried and working!
Valkyria Chronicles BLUS30196 I've tried and working!
Vampire Rain Altered Species BLES00239 (By ANiMeX)
Vancouver 2010 BLES00660 (By dan1j3l)
Vanquish BLES00927
Venetica BLES00776 (By riku.kh3) (Re-uploaded.) (Thanks Jake Moints for re-uploading the files.)
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania BLES00492 (By jonnyjaeger)
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 BLUS30621 (By ANiMeX) I've tried and working!
Winter Sports 2011 BLES01061 (By vihtoriii)
World Rally Championship BLES00992 (By Truman2010) Confirmed working
Yakuza 3 (By BoTGoD)
You can also add your 3.41 PKGs games below by following this step.
1. Make a folder with the name of the game and GAMEID.
Ex: Cross Edge BLUS30348
2. Inside that folder, create a text file and name it "How to install.txt".
3. Write the instruction on how to install and what to do after installing the PKG file of the game.
(You can also use mine. Just edit it.)
Quote: 1. Install the PKG.
2. Copy all files except the EBOOT.BIN inside the "USRDIR" of the game and paste it inside the "hdd0\CROSEDGE\USRDIR".
3. Play the game. 4. Place the PKG file of the game inside that folder.
5. Compress it and upload it somewhere.
6. Post it in this thread and I'll add your link in my list
I haven't seen this thread anywhere but if one exist I'm sorry for the double posting. Anyway, I recently upgraded to a 3.55 CFW and some of my modified PARAM.SFO and/or EBOOT.BIN games aren't working. The remedy is simple though - just use original EBOOT.BINs from said games. So I wanted to create a thread that you could have easy access to them. Please participate so that we can help everyone out. Thanks in at advance.
Oh yeah, I have about 35 - or so - originals that I'll eventually post. In the meantime, feel free to post any unmodified EBOOTs and/or PARAM.SFO and I'll do my best to make sure that they all end up on the front page.
As promised and NOW in alphabetical order:
007 Blood Stone (RF)(Provided by evanpele): http://www.fileserve.com/file/fMGQqJs
3D Dot Heroes (BLUS30490): http://www.box.net/shared/3bvzd59uhs
Afrika (BLUS30399): http://www.box.net/shared/xpc0yr80q6
Alone in the Dark (Region???): Uploading
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (BLES00909): http://www.box.net/shared/tfqc7u4tiu
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY (BLUS30515): Uploading
Battle Fantasia (BLES00253): Uploading
Brain Challenge (BLES00420): http://www.box.net/shared/11vz4c3hlv
Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box (BLES00455): Uploading
Call of Duty Black Ops (BLUS30591): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DKSY8G9F < There you go Dannyboi.
Dragon Age Origins (BLUS30415): http://www.box.net/shared/fd87i4imph
FIFA 2011 (BLES01059)(Provided by Napster35): http://www.fileserve.com/file/cyuQdx9
Fight Night Round 4 (EUR Version)(Provided by Napster35): http://www.multiupload.com/UYC7WROI5Q
God Of War 3 (BCUS98111)(Provided by Napster35)(EBOOT): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H5CNZGMN
God Of War 3 (BCUS98111)(Provided by Napster35)(PARAM.SFO): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JDTQ3UUV
Gran Turismo 5 (Region???)(provided by fantasypower999): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HUJTY6FP
GT5 (BCES00569)(Provided by Napster35): http://www.multiupload.com/U4XRUX83F8
Little Big Planet 2 (BCUS98245): http://www.box.net/shared/vbcz33p4v1
Mafia 2 (RF)(Provided by evanpele): http://www.fileserve.com/file/EWd53xV
Mass Effect 2 (BLES0113): http://www.box.net/shared/y4uzn5k1i8
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (USA Version): http://www.box.net/shared/kt19aseyrd
Prince of Persia Trilogy 3D (BLES01092): http://www.box.net/shared/zyggeak9lp
Red Dead Redemption / Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare (RF)(Provided by evanpele): http://www.fileserve.com/file/NMyYRER
Red Dead Redemption (BLUS30418)(Provided by Napster35)(PARAM.SFO): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A84D9UYL
Sly Trilogy (USA Version)(Provided by Napster35): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XCB0CWZ1
Two Worlds (BLES00845): http://www.box.net/shared/bxlvj6rmov
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (Param.SFO and EBOOT)(Region???)(Provided by Napster35): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GHCSI0H8
Uncharted 2 (USA Version)(Provided by Napster35): http://www.multiupload.com/3GWEN9K4V6
Valkyria Chronicles (BLUS30196): http://www.box.net/shared/m39kjmdvkd
Warhawk (BCES00008): Uploading
Winter Sports 2011 (EUR VERSION)(Provided by Napster35)[/B]: http://psx-scene.com/forums/attachme...1061_eboot-zip
I do these because a lot of people like me are on 3.41 and dont want to change firmware for now.
Gran Turismo 5
Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://hotfile.com/dl/97166606/4c42b...T-FIX.rar.htmlNFS Hot Pursuit
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/5PUVRZWO28Tales of Grace F
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http://www.multiupload.com/X57TAHQY32Monster Jam Path Of Destruction
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/RBEND8NQGRThe Sly Collection HD
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/KAERS57SRMMafia 2 Special Extended Editon
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LU9WJ7QHPrince of Persia Trilogy HD
Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://hotfile.com/dl/94261042/a48fe...kuKH3.rar.htmlHokuto Musou International
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/LRTTMKWVA3Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://hotfile.com/dl/94539712/0506e...EBOOT.rar.htmlUmineko no Naku Koro ni: Majo to Suiri no Rondo
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/H93LG60HOHHarry Potter And The Death Hallows Part One
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/EV91IDZ9A6Apache - Air Assault
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XQ4RA786Ape Escape On The Move/Furi! Furi!
Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OUNM8I7DEchochrome 2
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http://www.fileserve.com/file/vUP3khvKillzone 3
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BL3QDNC5You Dont Know Jack
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YF6BIV9KPDC World Championship Darts Pro Tour
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1BJV21ZKTrinity Souls of Zill Oll
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Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RLWS12OWTest Drive Unlimted 2
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http://www.mediafire.com/?0177148pykees8a#2Little Big Planet 2
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Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.mediafire.com/?nc02k29wjsaclldMarvel VS Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
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http://www.multiupload.com/O0TE6F6BACDead Space 2
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/1BXRWH69JAMass Effect 2
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/4HD9YIL4HYTwo Worlds 2
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NZQGACKMSengoku Musou 3 Z
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.fileserve.com/file/CjGxpGwMajin and the Forsaken Kingdom
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Bulletstorm USA+EUR
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.mediafire.com/?hisz0y74dc0sba3Hyperdimension Neptunia
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Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K7XCU9UXDeadliest Catch Sea of Chaos
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GUNL8IVKHasbro Family Game Night 3
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E5ITUE2EBeat Sketch
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1UFUCFWHDe Blob 2
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UYSUW9BQBorderlands Game of the Year Edition
Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KMN13FC9Rango the Videogame
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Code: [Check Download Links]
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X04C2GHTKnights Contract
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Code: [Check Download Links]
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z7NKKSXSMakai Senki Disgaea 4
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http://www.4shared.com/file/_GMgiArA..._JPN_341_.htmlZumba Fitness
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DS65LJ8TDragon Age Origins - Ultimate Edition
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P4VUBNXNGrand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T3JMKXQQArcana Heart 3
Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.multiupload.com/UF80LBFDTFRune Factory Oceans
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Code: [Check Download Links]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O3ZD92BSTsukumi Bloq (tumble)
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http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NOBCCX3HFight Night Champion
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Code: [Check Download Links]
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