Game Storyline
Oddball and Domino are always looking for a little adventure. Unfortunately, it usually gets them into trouble! Whenever there's mischief afoot, this brother-and-sister team always seem to be at the bottom of it.
Take today, for example. Once again they "forgot" their mother's wishes and went outside for a little pirate-treasure hunting. Sniffing, digging and tumbling are way more fun than watching TV. After all, what could possibly happen ?
It's not long before Oddball digs up their first treasure. She's quickly disappointed to discover it's no treasure at all - in fact, it's one of those horrid toys from the Cruella De Vil Toy Factory! No wonder it ended up buried in Regent's Park. What kid would want to play with any of Cruella's ugly "hunks of junk" ?
That's just what's driving Cruella into another red-hot temper tantrum! Her toys, designed by her high-tech hapless inventor, Rodney Farzboom, have been a colossal flop at stores throughout England. Cruella believes it's because children are spending all their pocket money on their spoiled pets instead of on her wonderful toys.
Now facing financial ruin, Cruella must do something quick. Getting Farzboom on the phone, she snaps at him to initiate "Plan B." The inventor re-programs the control chips in Cruella's toys, transforming shelves of unsold merchandise into a miniature army of robotic pet-nappers. With the help of her seedy sidekick, Parisian fur designer Jean-Pierre LePelt, and her devious henchmen, Horace and Jasper Baddun, Cruella is sure her puppy-snatching plan will be a "spotacular" success.
When Oddball and Domino return home, they find their parents, Dipstick and Dottie, in despair. The TV news is broadcasting a special emergency bulletin. In urgent tones, the TV anchor announces that Dalmatian puppies throughout England are vanishing! Everyone agrees this has the frightening touch of one of Cruella's De Vil's scheming plots.
Thankfully, Domino and Oddball are still safe. Dipstick cautions them to stay and watch over their humans before anything worse happens. He and Dottie are going to go look for the missing puppies.
The door is barely shut before Oddball takes a stand. "Do you want to stay here and be good, or do you want to help rescue the puppies?"
"My thoughts exactly, Sis," says Domino. "Let's go!"
Oddball and Domino race off to their biggest adventure yet - but this time they could be biting off more than they can chew!
102 Dalmatians Puppies To The Rescue
Defeat the evil Cruella De Vil and her seedy sidekicks with these hints and tips from the video game development team.
Practice the mini-games to perfect your score. Try to get the High Scores in Ice Race, Mini-golf, Dig-Dog, and Tilt Maze and save your High Score initials on your memory card
Flying enemy toys can be difficult to destroy. Stand in one place until they make an attack run, and as soon as they get into range, one bark attack will destroy them.
When attempting to make a long jump, press the tumble button in the middle of the jump for increased distance.
Don't forget to find Waddlesworth in each level. He can save your progress as well as your position in each level. That way you won't have to start from the beginning of the level each time your puppy's life expires.
Use your tumble button to move through levels quickly. You can swiftly knockout enemy toys by tumbling into them.
Make sure to keep one eye on the lower-right corner of your screen. There are many items in the game that you can use. When you stand near them, an icon will appear flashing in the lower-right corner telling you which button you need to press to use the item.
Remember there are 100 bones and 6 captured puppies in every level (except for the Cruella boss levels). Sometimes the bones and captured puppies will not be clearly visible or easy to find so you'll really have to search for them.
Don't forget about the sniff button! If you're ever in a level and looking for a captured puppy, bone collectible or power-up, you can use the sniff button to lead you right to them. To do so, stop, hold the sniff button down, and a trail will appear pointing you in the right direction. Follow the trail while holding down the sniff button. This will ensure that you keep the trail.
Talk to your animal friend in every level. Animal friends are there to help you and will often give you valuable information. Sometimes, they will even need something from you and you won't be able to progress through the game unless you help them.
If your puppy paw health meter is full, don't eat the health snacks. Remember where they are so if you take damage later in the level, you can come back and gobble them up for more health.
If you need more tries (extra lives), find one in a level, quit out of the level, and enter the level again. Do this over and over until you have all the tries you need.
If you re-enter a level where you have rescued all the puppies, the puppy crates will now contain Pizza health power-ups.
Many of the puzzles in the more difficult levels require precise timing. Be patient and watch the movement of machinery or objects to figure out the best way to get through the puzzle. Jumping or running at just the right moment might save your puppy's life!
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