When I first heard of this game I automatically passed on the idea on playing it because I wasn't into zombie games, but my hubby wanted to play it with me so I gave in.

Before I decided to buy this game I read some reviews just to get an idea of what was to come. I read alot of good reviews and alot of people said that it was scary.....NOT! If anything this game is more hilarious than scary. Its funny when the alarm goes off on a car and 15+ zombies run up to the car and start banging on it to BOOM, blow up (that's "slap my knee" funny). Another thing is we're walking searching the area and suddenly our flashlight catches a zombie posted up on a wall like its trying to blend in... is this zombie serious... I see you (blast him with the rifle).

I wasn't too crazy at first about the controls. It took me a minute to get use to using the right stick to aim but I gotten the hang of it and you know what....This is the first zombie game that I think is F.U.N.
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