Me and my hubby have been debating on whether to buy a Wii or not. He thinks its not worth it, and I feel its somewhat not worth it either because I remember having a Nintendo gamecube and I only played liked less than 10 games on it. But its always those titles that are only on that system that makes you want to buy it... like Halo to xbox 360, Mario,Zelda, and Metroid to the Nintendo.

There aren't many other titles besides those that I would like to play except for maybe Donkey Kong, and Final Fantasy crystal chronicles. I did stumble across a website that said there could possibly be a Castlevania collection (*oh joy*) then I would have to get a Wii.
It is kind of a difficult decision because I don't want to pay alot of money for something I might not be using as much as my playstation, but on the other hand....... I would like to experience these titles. And if I do get one I would like this one:

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