Soooooo..... I kind of need some gamer advice.
I was playing the community levels on Little Big Planet 2 one fine afternoon and a window popped up saying someone wanted to join the level with me, so I did. We played the level untill we beat it and then we ended back in the pod. He added me as a friend and I accepted. The first thing he asked me was how old I was, I said 26. You know how you can animate your characters face, well this is what he did:

Then he said "eeeerrrrrrr uuuhhhhhhh". Then I asked "how old are you?" He kept beating around the bush till finally he admitted he was 7 years old. My eyes widened a little big but I told him that we are just playing a game, and if he felt uncomfortable I understand. He said he comfortable and asked if his friend could join..... I was thinking "wow another kid" but I told him ok. So his friend joined and then he requested to be my friend. Then I was thought " I don't want to play this game and end up with a bunch of kids as friends."
Okay here are my standards on game friends, If I do have friends on the PSN I would "prefer" them to be 18 and over. Now I know we play games with people and have no clue how old they are, and their personality, after all we are just playing a game and having fun right? The friends I already had on the PSN never asked my age and neither did I asked theirs, but I'm still cool with them. I do have nieces and nephews that age and I do play games with them but I just feel like this is different. One thing I think about is the parents... do they want their child talking to someone who is 19 years older than them. Another thing I think about I just feel comfortable playing with people at least "of age".
My question is should I just let it go, it's just a game we are not meeting each other we are just having fun?
or should I delete them as a friend because of the superior age difference, for the sake of the parents... and myself?
What would you do?
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