Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about
the end of the world, War - the first Horseman of the
Apocalypse - stands accused of breaking the sacred law byinciting a war between Heaven and Hell. In the slaughter that ensued, the demonic forces defeated the heavenly hosts andlaid claim to the Earth.
Brought before the sacred Charred Council, War is indicted for
his crimes and stripped of his powers. Dishonored and facinghis own death, War is given the opportunity to return to Earth
to search for the truth and punish those responsible.
Hunted by a vengeful group of Angels, War must take on theforces of Hell, forge uneasy alliances with the very demons he
hunts, and journey across the ravaged remains of the Earth on his quest for vengeance and vindication.
Apocalyptic Power - Unleash the wrath of War, combining brutal
attacks and supernatural abilities to decimate all who standin your way
Extreme Arsenal - Wield a devastating arsenal of angelic,demonic and Earthly weapons; and blaze a trail of destruction atop Ruin, War's fiery phantom steed
Epic Quest - Battle across the wastelands and demon-infesteddungeons of the decimated Earth in your quest for vengeanceand redemption
Character Progression - Uncover powerful ancient relics,
upgrade your weapons, unlock new abilities, and customize your
gameplay style
Battle Heaven and Hell - Battle against all who stand in your way - from war-weary angelic forces to Hell's hideous demonhordes
Install Notes:
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install
4. Copy the cracked content from the SKIDROW folder on DVD2 to
main installation folder and overwrite
Additional Notes:
Our brand new steam installer is included with this release.Keep in mind when using it, that if you mount DVD1 as P: drive
then DVD2 has to be mounted as P: too during install
Full ISO: ( 13 GB )
Black Screen Fix
Open your game folder (default is Program Files)
Go under mediavideos
Delete AMD_Logo_movie.wmv
if this does not work then do the following
Open your games app data folder
Win XP: C:Documents and Settings*YOURNAME*Local SettingsApplication DataDarksiders
Win 7/Vista: C:*YOURNAME*AppDataLocalDarksiders
Delete options.dopt
Full Rip: ( 4.19 GB )


(4.19 GB RIPPED SINGLE)Single Link
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