Even though Koei is known best for their strategy games, DYNASTY WARRIORS 2 is a testament to their dedication to providing games of varying genres. This game is an action title that requires the player to control a 3D warrior through five levels that are based on locations that are hundreds of years old. The story involves three different kingdoms that are at war with each other: the Wei, the Shu, and the Wu. After unlocking all of the secrets, there are a total of 12 playable characters.
Even though action is the primary drive of the game, there are also strategic elements that must be dealt with before each level is started: players must determine where their troops will begin and how to deal with the enemy. DYNASTY WARRIORS 2 uses the PlayStation 2 effectively, combining dozens of soldiers onscreen at one time and seamlessly weaving in CG scenes and voice acting.
* Features: Relive the experiences that made the warriors of the Three Kingdoms.
* Guide your men to victory through a number of famous battles.
* Over a thousand officers and men can be found carrying out various plans.
* The allure of simulation is combined with the thrill of action.
* For 1 player.

Game Reviews
Amazon.co.uk Review
Every now and then, certain genres of computer game make a comeback and we all nod and remember the good old days.
Dynasty Warriors 2 brings back the halcyon days of the sideways scrolling beat 'em up, updated for the new millennium and with spiffy new 3-D-graphics, but at heart it's the same bloodthirsty gorefest we all knew and loved on the eight-bit consoles.
It has to be said from the off that this is a one-track game. The basic premise is that the player, taking on the guise of one of a number of feudal Japanese warlords, must lead an army of brave warriors into battle, dicing with the opposition as they go. The armies are staffed with the usual collection of cannon fodder with a variety of captains and other senior leaders thrown in for good measure.
There's a vain attempt at introducing strategy into the mix by allowing the player to stop the action and peruse a battlefield map to see how just far their forces have advanced, but in truth the player's army are a bit lily-livered and seem to leave all the fighting to the boss.
Graphics are very high quality and as your chosen warlord spins and charges into the fray there's a real sensation of the high splendour of ancient Japanese warfare, but what leaves the experience a little flat is the distinct lack of moves which can be executed with the supplied battle sword.
Aside from a couple of aerial moves there are really only half a dozen hacks and slashes which may be applied to the soft flesh of the opposition, removing some of the potential enjoyment factor and the death sequences are beaten foes are a little too sanitised for most with the vanquished foe spinning around, screaming then fading out into the background.
That said, peel aside the superfluous layers and Dynasty Warriors is an excellent beat 'em up which combines all the best bits of the days of yore with the best console technology of the 21st century.
Gameplay is fluid and the addition of power-ups--collected after beating senior opponents or breaking open crates with your weapon--allow for quick saves, energy boosts and more, all serving to make this an enjoyable, if not very short-lived experience. --James Gordon
Game Controller
L2 Button = name/life display (displays the names of troops, officers, and their remaining life).
L1 Button = guard/shift (guard against frontal attacks; hold the L1 button and use the directional buttons or left analog stick to move characters while keeping them facing forward).
Left Analog Stick/D-Pad = movement (use the left analog stick to move players in analog mode).
R2 Button = toggle aps.
R1 Button = hold down to raise the bow; aim using the directional buttons (or left analog stick) and press an attack button, square, triangle, circle, to shoot arrows.
Square Button = normal attack (delivers a normal strength blow with weapon; press repeatedly to execute a combination attack of up to four blows).
Triangle Button = charge attack (delivers an attack with more powerful blows than the normal attack; use with the normal attack to execute combination attacks).
Circle Button = musou attack (hold down to execute a musou special attack when musou charge bar is at maximum; press to increase level of musou charge bar when not at maximum).
X Button = jump, mount/dismount horse (if standing beside a horse, mount the horse; if on a horse, dismount).
Turning Vibration On and Off = set controller vibration on and off using the controller item in the options menu.
Analog Mode Switch = when the red light is on, the controller is in analog mode (use the left analog stick to control character movement; toggle analog mode on and off by pressing the analog mode switch).
Start Button = pause/display info (press this button to pause the game; display information by selecting menu items while the game is paused).
D-Pad = item selection.
X = enter
O = cancel
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